About Us

Company Profile
Titi Sinaran (M) Sdn Bhd, an exporter of earthenware pottery, has been exporting high quality Malaysian-made indoor as well as outdoor planters with exclusive designs and shapes since 1988. The well-known frost-resistance flower pots are exported world wide.
In order to acquire more new clients and to serve the existing clients better, the company has been actively involved in Trade Shows arranged by MATRADE. We also participate in National Hardware Show in Las Vegas, Gafa Fair in Cologne and Garden & Landscaping Fair in Dubai. It has become an annual affair at least for the past 20 years. As such, the company has gained valuable experience in getting to know the latest trend and taste the customers prefer and thus be able to design new shapes and patterns to meet the needs of customers.
Besides always trying to impress customers with new colours, new designs and new shapes, providing excellent service to customers is also the company’s priority. This includes prompt delivery and high quality pottery control.
Our Market
As an active Malaysian Pottery Exporter, we have been exporting high quality Malaysian-made indoor as well as outdoor ceramic planters with exclusive designs and shapes since 1988. Our earthenware pottery products entered the global arena by making way into countries like United States, Canada, Germany, England, Australia, UAE, Japan, Hong Kong, Belgium and France.

Our Product
This website will start off by offering our pottery range of products – mainly flower pots (clay).
Active tin mining in Malaysia took place in the late nineteenth century immediately after the British colonization of the Malay Peninsula had begun. As a result of about 100 years of tin mining activities, the country is now left with over 200,000 hectares of ex-mining land. The largest concentrations of these abandoned mines is located in the vicinity Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. These ex-mining lands often have clayey deposits throughout the area. A typical ex-mining land consists of pond surrounded by sand and a mixture of silt and clay deposits. These ex-mining lands which are abundant in Ipoh are a rich source of clay – the key component of our quality flower pots. The abundance of clay allows us to offer our products made of superior quality clay at strategic and best market prices.
These clays are often called “Ball Clay” – which is an extremely rare mineral found in very few places around the world. Its name date back to the early days of mining when specialized hand tools were used to extract the clay in rough cube shapes of about 30 cm. As the corners were knocked through handling and storage, these cubes became rounded and “ball” shaped. It is also sometimes referred to as plastic clay.
Ball clays are used in many different industries, but in particular form a vital component in ceramic manufacturing. As a result of their sedimentary origin, raw ball clays have a wide range of colors. However, many of them are valued by the ceramics industry for their white-firing properties – which are determined by the levels of iron and other coloring/fluxing oxides within the clay. Ball clays are also used in the production of coating for ceramic products to ensure the perfect finish (glazes).
Glaze is a glassy coating on pottery, the primary purposes of which are decoration and protection. One important use of glaze is to render porous pottery vessels impermeable to water and other liquids.
The manufacturer of our flower pots has evolved from a home grown cottage industry using manual production methods to its current modern mechanized production. Back in the early days, the flower pots were shaped by hands and fired in kilns kept burning by fire wood. Manufacturing capacity back then were at a measly 20 – 30 pieces per day.
With the evolution of technology, our manufacturing process is now mechanized and our flower pots are fired in kilns powered by diesel. As a result, manufacturing capacity is now at a few thousand units of flower pots produced per day. Modern technology has also allowed our spectrum of production to increase from only 2 colors of flower pots (green and brown) to multiple colors. Glazed surfaces is now a favourite option – made available with the improved technology over time.